Today I discovered the most satisfying urban place I've ever visited: The High Line, an above-ground park in Lower Manhattan situated on an old elevated railway line. It is beautiful. It made me think of what city spaces I've experienced in my life that stand out.

Best Urban Spaces
1. High Line, Lower West Side of Manhattan
2. Las Ramblas, Barcelona
3. Sutro Baths, San Francisco
4. Hong Kong Harbor (especially the ferries)

After strolling down the (long) length of the High Line I took in a depressing documentary about the deaths of young Black men in Chicago, made by one of the guys who shot "Hoop Dreams".
Then I sat in a park in Greenwich Village and read for a couple hours before I went up town to listen to some Mozart (and other composers) at Lincoln Center.

Now, as Pepys would say, to bed.

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